Grierson Organic

By Sascha Grierson

We have been farming organically for 20 years this year and selling our home-bred beef, lamb, pork, chicken, eggs and turkeys since 2003. The best thing about selling our food directly to our customers has been the people we have met, fed, and shared stories with along the way. They have inspired us, told us what they like and don’t like, and been a huge influence on what we do.

Fred Berkmiller falls squarely into that category, a truthful Frenchman obsessed with produce, his commitment to sourcing from the small-scale farmer and grower offering a 2-way relationship that is based on mutual respect for each other’s ethos rather than a simple financial transaction.

I can’t remember when I first met him, it was probably over 10 years ago and most likely it was over the farmers’ market stall in Edinburgh which we attend every Saturday. He walked up to me at the market one day and said “Sascha - I want to buy a whole cattle beast from you”.

He came to the farm a few years ago, and showed us how he wanted his whole cattle beast butchered. I was astonished that he was able to use every part of the animal, including the bones and fat. Our beef is pedigree Aberdeen Angus and we apply the best statistical help to select for genetic traits within our herd that optimise animal welfare in the form of easy calving, and for marbling – the fat within the meat that gives it its taste, flavour, sweetness and tenderness. Nowhere is this better exemplified than in the shin of beef. A stunning cut full of connective tissue that breaks down during cooking to give a slick sticky gravy and an intense beefy taste.

I always learn something in a food chat with Fred. Who knew that in France eating young male turkey is a norm? We rear about 200 turkeys for Christmas and for the last few years he’s taken a few young male turkeys from us.

We grow about 200 here on the farm for Christmas. I always think it’s a shame we don’t eat turkey year round. It’s such a lovely taste, especially the dark leg meat. So here’s Fred fulfilling that need and getting you in the mood for a proper Christmas turkey!

You can order from Grierson Organic online and for Christmas here.

Find them in Edinburgh every Saturday at the Edinburgh Farmers’ Market, Castle Terrace 9-2pm.


Fred's Newsletter: 17.11.20


Fred's newsletter: 10.11.20